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عدد المساهمات : 217 تاريخ التسجيل : 22/07/2009 العمر : 31
| موضوع: AshampooInternet Accelerator 3.10 الأربعاء أغسطس 12, 2009 2:58 pm | |
| AshampooInternet Accelerator 3.10 [size=9]يعد حلا أكيدا لتسريع النت عشرات المرات، وأيضا للتخلص من مشاكل النت البطيء، فهو وظيفته تسريع النت وتقليل حجم الصفحات التي تدخلها حتى يسهل عليك تصفحها، كما انه سوف يقوم بتغيير في الويندوز لتسهيل التصفح بدرجة كبيرة، وأيضا التعامل مع الاكسبلورر والموزيلا لتنظيفهم بمدة معينة كي يسهل عملية التصفح، برنامج رائع ومتوافق مع كافة أنظمة الويندوز. برنامج رائع ومتمكن ويستحق بكل التأكيد التحميل والتجربة.[/size]
[size=12]البرنامج لا يسرع اتصالك بالانترنت فقط ولكن يعمل على تصليح ومناسبة إعدادات الاتصال بالنت بما يوافق جهازك وإمكانياته وطريقة الاتصال بالنت لديك فبذلك تحصل على أحسن وأسرع اتصال بالنت.
[/size] Many windows settings work in harmony in order to get the best out of an available internet connection. Unfortunately, the factory design of these settings means that they are often not optimised for a particular connection type, or they are adjusted by a newly installed software product unasked. The consequences are plain to see: the computer can’t get the best out of your internet connection. As a user, this means you have to wait longer until web pages have loaded in your browser or until internet downloads are finished. A slow internet connection costs time and gets on your nerves. For this reason, taking the time to optimise the settings is almost considered a must – particularly since an optimisation in terms of speed doesn’t come with any additional cost, neither for a hardware extension nor for the software, as the Ashampoo Internet Accelerator 2 can be used completely free of charge.The program allows a fully automatic setting of the most important parameters. To achieve this, communicating the method used for internet access to the Ashampoo Internet Accelerator 2 on the part of the user is sufficient:* Analogue modem* ISDN* DSL via LAN cable or cable modem* DSL via wireless LAN* Other LAN connections (no DSL)This system means that the program gets the very last drop of performance out of the internet connection. When using a modem and an ISDL connection, the improvements in performance are particularly noticeable – a reason for celebration. With a DSL connection, the tuning result isn’t quite as impressive, as there are fewer things which need adjusting in order to provide an optimisation. Nonetheless, it is still the case here that every percentage of extra performance means better internet surfing....التحميل . DOWNLOAD | |